Jade – Years 3 & 4
The class teachers are Miss Samantha Le Breton and Miss Rebecca Tolley . The class is supported by Teaching Assistants – Mrs Diana McNeil and Mrs Rose Alves.
As children start in Jade they are also entering a new stage of schooling called Key Stage 2. In order to prepare children for Year 3 we allow time for visits to Jade in the afternoons of the previous summer term; children have Year 4 buddies, who they work closely with in the first few weeks; and there is a meeting for parents to explain the curriculum, timetable and new expectations.
As children enter Key Stage 2, or the Juniors, we expect them to develop their independence and stamina and they are given opportunities to have weekly Monitor jobs in the classroom such as maintaining the class library, and outside in the playground running the daily Junior fruit stall.
Maths and English are taught every morning, and in the afternoon there are PE, History, Geography, RE, Music, Art, Science and PSHE lessons. All of these subjects follow the new National Curriculum and have been planned on a rolling two year cycle so that children are taught the necessary skills and concepts as part of new topics. Click on the links below for the current curriculum plans.