Personal Development and Enrichment


“And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church” 

Our children become the rocks upon which a better world can be built. We explore the values of perseverance, compassion and courage to open up horizons of hope and aspiration.

In the most recent pupil survey:

  • 91% of pupils say that school encourages them to be independent and take on responsibilities.
  • 80% of pupils say “My school encourages me to look after my physical health.”
  • 94.6% pupils say: My school encourages me to respect people from other backgrounds and to treat everyone equally

We believe children live up to their potential if they are happy, have fun, feel nurtured and grow from a foundation of strong Christian Values. We value spirituality (Spirituality Policy) and the holistic development of the child. We fully embrace the National Curriculum by promoting pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Our role as educators is to guide the children in our care along the path of life. We are committed to promote the extensive personal development of our pupils. We provide opportunities for pupils to develop their talents and interests and they have access to a wide and rich set of experiences. For more information about class trips and topic enrichment follow the link to take you the Long Term Planning for each class.

Our personal development curriculum is carefully planned for each year group and helps to strengthen children's character and develops their understanding of how to be responsible for their school community and the wider world. It celebrates achievements both in and outside of school and ensures opportunities are provided for those who may not have access to such rich experiences at home. 

 Children's emotional literacy is supported through our PSHE and RSHE curriculum with individual and group ELSA interventions offered for those who may find managing their emotions more difficult. We provide the SWIFT course for parents so there is a consistent approach to between school and home to help those children who find managing their emotions more difficult.

 We ensure every child's personal development is a priority with well trained staff who come equipped with a range of skill sets to support children of all abilities and backgrounds. 

 Our partnership with parents and members of the local community broadens children's opportunities and helps them understand where their learning can take them. 

 We use our Christian and British values to help demonstrate how children can become kind, responsible and respectful citizens. 

 We have carefully selected resources and books to ensure children are able to see themselves and a wide range of cultures within the books they are reading. You can see the reading spines for each class on our Curriculum page.